As a rule, I try not to get upset by Trump’s tweets, if I
did it would be all that I do. Today’s tweets however since they were about
schools and teachers, hit a lot closer to home.
Oy vey, does he think only
the best 20 percent of teachers would be willing to protect children, or
teachers needs guns to do so? Only the best 20 percent want guns in schools? This
tweet hung in the ether for 14 minutes, when he followed it up with...
....immediately fire back if a savage sicko came to a school with bad intentions. Highly trained teachers would also serve as a deterrent to the cowards that do this. Far more assets at much less cost than guards. A “gun free” school is a magnet for bad people. ATTACKS WOULD END!
... and his first word is immediately,
some 14 minutes later. In the next text he talks about response times which is
insane when you consider it took him 14 minutes to complete his thought.
He then speaks about
highly trained teachers, um these are the same teachers that must pay for basic
supplies out of their pockets. Furthermore education is already the first thing cut during
a crisis and most school systems are hand to mouth with nothing left to spare. Instead of common planning are we going to have common target practice?
Trump also wants to do
this on the cheap, because he believes armed teachers would cost less than
guards. Yeah, let’s just get teachers to do it, its not like they have anything
else like teaching going on. Many teachers in addition to teaching are already,
parents, social workers, and mentors, so he wants to make them armed guards as
well. Then if he really cared would he not want to spare no expense? I don't believe in turning our schools into prisons but why is he suggesting we protect our children on the cheap?
Speaking of Gun free
zones, I can think of two, the NRA convention and anywhere the President is but
hey facts right, have never got in the president’s way.
Also, did he say he
never called for arming teachers in one text right before he called for arming teachers in the next ?
Can I say, oy vey again?
Then there is his
third tweet,
....History shows that a school shooting lasts, on average, 3 minutes. It takes police & first responders approximately 5 to 8 minutes to get to site of crime. Highly trained, gun adept, teachers/coaches would solve the problem instantly, before police arrive. GREAT DETERRENT!
I am being charitable
when I say the president is being overly optimistic there. Also, data tells us
more guns lead to more gun deaths and the thing is it has already been tried
before with tragic consequences.
northwest Pakistan accidentally shot dead a 12-year-old pupil yesterday while
cleaning his pistol in the staff room, police said.
in northwest Pakistan were given permission to carry firearms in the classroom
after Taliban militants massacred 132 students at a school in the city of
Peshawar in December.
Most schools don’t pay
for all the supplies teachers need, and teachers already do so much more than educating.
Now Trump and numerous other right-wing politicians want to arm teachers, how
does that make sense?
Then I have a few
questions off the top of my head, which I imagine is a lot longer than Trump
thought about it.
Would I get a vest and cuffs too? Would
training count as professional development? How much would I get? Would I be
expected to carry the weapon on me, keep it in my desk (where my lap top was
stolen just two weeks ago) or in a lock box in a cabinet? Would I leave it at
school over night or take it with me?
He finished his tweet
storm with,
....If a potential “sicko shooter” knows that a school has a large number of very weapons talented teachers (and others) who will be instantly shooting, the sicko will NEVER attack that school. Cowards won’t go there...problem solved. Must be offensive, defense alone won’t work!
Parkland had an armed
officer and Nicholas Cruz undoubtedly had to know that and it didn’t deter him.
Now I think a fair question might be what if there were five or seven armed
guards, not that I think that is a solution either.
But would even that
have stopped a “sicko”? Most of these guys are looking to die, they want to go
out in a hail of bullets. Sicko's don't care
Insulting and reckless
sum up Trump’s position on arming teachers and his presidency in general as
There are a lot of things we can and should do but arming teachers shouldn't even be on the list.

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