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Wednesday, April 1, 2020

10 Distance learning/homeschooling memes stolen from Facebook.

Image may contain: possible text that says 'Administration: Please go easy on your students and try not to overwhelm them with information. Also Administration: Here are 75 emails linking to brand new resources you've never used before. Please spend time getting familiar with them. Also, we're holding a Zoom faculty meeting at 8 A.M. and your PLCs will continue as normal. TEACHERS BORED'Image may contain: possible text that says 'We had a parent text us to say she needs a substitute!'
Image may contain: 1 person, possible text that says 'MILAM IBchemJedi @IBchemmilam can't believe all of these parents are wasting their time teaching their children without even writing the lesson objective on the board'

Image may contain: possible text that says 'Imagine if politicians were graded like teachers: Oh, you told everyone to stay home and they didn't listen? Were your objectives and criteria clear enough? Was your delivery engaging? What are you going to do for the unmotivated ones that don't listen? Well, I guess you're ineffective then and it's your fault they went out.'Image may contain: possible text that says 'My weekly Quarantine Budget Gas $0 Entertainment $0 New shoes $0 Food $1000'Image may contain: possible text that says 'So let me get this straight, we can cancel state testing and the world doesn't come to an end? Weird... it's almost like we don't need them at all. BORED TEACHERS'

Image may contain: one or more people, possible text that says 'THERE'S No PLACE LIKE HOME... so STAY THERE!'Image may contain: one or more people and meme, possible text that says 'DAY 7 OF HOMESCHOOL BIOLOGY TESTING WHETHER OR NOT CHLOROFORM HAS A SMELL'
Image may contain: text
Or Teams
Image may contain: 2 people, possible text that says 'When you finish posting your remote learning assignments into Google classroom When you check back at the end of the week and only 1 student completed the assignment ACICAGO TEADELMEMES'

Image may contain: 2 people, possible text that says '"Luke, you must learn the ways of the force" "I'm ready, Obi Wan." "Oooookay. Let's see here. After you've logged in, you're gonna want to go to the student portal and click Jedi...." BB'Image may contain: 1 person, possible text that says 'Joe Clark @DrJoeClark Remember when they said we need state tests & report cards because otherwise teachers & principals would slack off? Well, testing & state report cards are canceled and all I see are teachers & principals working harder than ever before. Let's trust our professionals.'Image may contain: possible text that says 'Is it possible to teach remotely and homeschool my own kids? No No but in yellow'Image may contain: 4 people, meme, possible text that says 'WELCOME TO MY GOOGLE CLASSROOM WHERE THE DUE DATES ARE MADE UP AND THE POINTS DON'T MATTER umgt P-COm'

Image may contain: possible text that says 'Today's Homeschool Lesson "FRACTIONS" e 1/4 1/2 3/4 1'   Image may contain: 2 people, meme, possible text that says 'DYING IS EASY SON HOME- IE-SCHOOLING IS HARDER'
Image may contain: 5 people, textImage may contain: textImage may contain: one or more people and meme, possible text that says 'THE YEAR 2020 BROUGHT TO YOU BY THE LETTERS W, T&F T'Image may contain: possible text that says 'Home Schooling Update: My child just said I hope I don't have the same teacher next year.'Image may contain: possible text that says 'What I hoped virtual teaching would be like: Finally getting to teach my kids what think is important for them to learn. What virtual teaching is actually like: Me answering 100 emails a day from students who can't figure out how to open the assignment. BORED TEACHERS'

Image may contain: one or more people and people sitting

Image may contain: possible text that says 'I'm giving up drinking for a month. Sorry, bad punctuation. I'm giving up. Drinking for a month.'

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