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Friday, April 17, 2020

Will Greene do the right thing is DeSantis orders school openings? Anecdotal evidence says no

I am sure this will be an unpopular take or at least title but at give it a read before blasting me.

Several Superintendents have announced that schools reopening this year would be the wrong move.

Greene has been silent on the subject.

In fact Greene has held out hope for graduation ceremonies in May.

A sentiment where nice is reckless and potentially dangerous.

Then the district is proceeding with plans for in person ESY for ESE kids, though they do add the caveat it could be virtual.

Why would we take the risk of in person ESY? All the medical professionals and real doctors says a flare up isn't just possible but likely.

Educators know it too.

The best plan seems to be to stay away from each other as long as possible or you know the exact opposite of what Greene has been indicating she believes.

I think if DeSantis, maybe  because she is gun shy by the abuse the district has received from the FLDOE or not wanting to cause waves because she thinks it might impact the referendum, said lets reopen schools, Greene would say sure.

One of the biggest problems the district has had for years is a lack of concern for the district's staff. They really haven't cared about us widgets. Greene's actions or lack of them only reinforce this, in my opinion.

If I am wrong I would urge her to follow what her colleagues from Tallahassee and Miami are saying and let people know going back to school at least until the 20-21 school year starts is a bad idea.

Okay, if you read it and disagree, now you can bast me. 

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree, but wish she would stand her ground and look out for the best interests of the students, teachers, and school staff. She should not be influenced by Trump, DeSantis, or Curry, who only care about the economy - not people. Returning in May will put too many people at risk of either catching the virus or bringing it home to vulnerable family members. I've already heard many teachers and parents say they will not return to school in May, even if ordered to, so where does that leave us? We don't have enough substitutes already, the kids will definitely not practice social distancing, and we have finally established online learning routines, so just leave things as they are and start fresh in August!! End of rant!
