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Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Betsy DeVos promises to give states money for education if they don't spend it on public schools.

I liked Barack Obama as president, but without a doubt his education policies were dreadful and harmful. Race to the Top is how we got  Common Core, Vam and blame the teacher evaluations. You would think we would learn that bribing, sorry coercing states desperate for help was wrong but Betsy DeVos just said, hold my beer.

From Chalkbeat,

Education Secretary Betsy DeVos will use $180 million in federal coronavirus relief earmarked for the hardest-hit states to create voucher-like grants for parents and to expand virtual education.
The education department will allow states to apply for a share of that money — a chance for the Trump administration to leverage the budget crunch facing states to advance its education policy priorities and a miniature echo of the Obama-era Race to Top competition.
For DeVos, those priorities include directing more public education dollars to families, rather than school districts, and creating alternatives to traditional schools and instruction.
“The current disruption to the normal model is reaffirming something I have said for years: we must rethink education to better match the realities of the 21st century,” DeVos said in a statement Monday. “This is the time for local education leaders to unleash their creativity and ingenuity.”
It’s the latest example of the department aligning its coronavirus response to the Trump administration’s political preferences, including limiting dollars going to teachers unions and undocumented immigrants.
In awarding these grants, the department says it will consider the coronavirus’ impact on a state — the stated purpose of the money, as allocated by Congress. But its criteria go far beyond that, raising the possibility that grants will end up in states that have not been hit hardest by the virus. Forty of the 100 points of the scoring rubric relate to a state’s coronavirus cases and ability to transition to remote instruction.
Um keep money away from teacher unions and immigrants? That is some hate right there.
DeVos thinks the pandemic is a good thing. She thinks it will hasten the privatization of education, and she isn't the only one. The Godfather of privatization Jeb Busg tweeted this the other day.   
I.E. Don't waste a crisis.

If you can stomach it, I would check out his twitter page, it's all lets blow up public ed, and zero lets than public ed for all they have done during these troubling times. 

DeVos and the Trump administration are going ride this pandemic all over public ed if we let them.  They give zero you know whats about what public ed has done, their schools, teachers or children.

To learn more, click the link, 

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