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Sunday, April 26, 2020

72 percent of the bail out has gone to Wall street, 28 percent went to main street, and education was nothing but an after thought

With the Pandemic, Washington D.C. has been sending out money faster than they can print it.

Notice however nothing for state and local infrastructure, which is paid for with taxes, that aren't being collected because nobody is doing anything.

Ed Week said we may need as much as 210 billion over the next three years to keep public ed whole.  

From Ed Week,

America’s public schools will need $70 billion for three consecutive years in the next round of federal stimulus spending to avoid painful cuts such as teacher layoffs, according to a new analysis.
That level of spending—from fiscal analyst Michael Griffith—would help blunt the dramatic budget cuts that districts will likely be forced to make because of the economic fallout brought on by the coronavirus pandemic.
The plan right now as you can see from Mitch McConnell's quote thus far is to do nothing, which means state after state will have to cut budgets and we all know what gets cut first.
Now some of you might be thinking, well we can't pay for everything. True but we seem to have unlimited money for businesses.  
But Chris, businesses employ people. Sure, but I bet if you live in a city that doesn't have a military base or two, your school system is probably one of if not the biggest employer, now add cops and firemen to that equation and how are we supposed to restart the economy if they are being cut?
In 2009 education was the first to be cut and in many states like my home one of Florida despite the recession being over for years, education has never recovered to pre recession levels.
People like graphs, so here is a graph and just a reminder the T is for trillions and the B is for billions.
Why isn't main street, why aren't regular folks as important as wall street and fat cats the movers and shakers of the world.
If the government invested in people wouldn't we spend the money on the goods and services of business? This top down approach where we save the people at the top and cross our fingers hoping the people at the bottom will be taken care of has never really worked. 
We have to insist that our schools and our cities and states are taken care of, because if we don't, then they won't be.

Thanks to Billy Townsend for the graphs above and to learn more, click the link.

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