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Friday, April 10, 2020

DeSantis's ignorance about education and the virus is going to get people killed

DeSantis really showed his ignorance about Covid 19 yesterday when he said people under 25 aren't effected by it, they are, and children may be going back to school this (school) year, um only if he wants to risk people's lives. This is serious stuff but sadly he is not a serious man. 

From the Hill,

DeSantis added that he didn't think anyone under 25 had died of the virus.
"This particular pandemic is one where, I don't think nationwide there's been a single fatality under 25. For whatever reason it just doesn't seem to threaten, you know, kids," DeSantis said.
"And we lose in Florida between five and 10 kids a year for the flu. This one, for whatever reason, much more dangerous if you're 65 and plus than the flu, no doubt about that. If you're younger, it just hasn't had an impact, so that should factor into how we're viewing this. I think the data on that has been 100 percent consistent," he continued. "I've not seen any deviation on that."
The governor's comments came close to the end of a 75-minute education roundtable Thursday that featured teachers, parents and government officials.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, four people between the ages of 15 and 24 and one person younger than 5 has died from the virus.
Um you know who isn't under 25? Most of the teachers and staff at every single school. Sheesh.

From the Tampa Times, 

Gov. Ron DeSantis on Thursday would not rule out sending Florida’s schoolchildren back to their classrooms in May, if the conditions are right. 

“We’re going to look at the evidence and make a decision," DeSantis said, when asked if he intended to keep schools closed for the remainder of the current academic year. "If it’s safe, we want kids to be in school. ... 

Even if it’s for a couple of weeks, we think there would be value in that.”

Even if we are on the downside of this in the first few weeks of May, why would we risk a flare up by going back early? Sheesh

Why can't he be a leader and just say, yes this sucks, yes we wish this was different, but no we're not going back to school this academic year, it is just not worth the risk.

He doesn't know who the disease affects and he's willing to put people's lives in danger. Friends shouldn't we be doing better than that.

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