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Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Duval's mask mandate comes two weeks two late, sorry make that an entire month

 After a marathon emergency meeting that saw insane people rail against masks and doctors and experts implore their use, the DCPS school board decided to initiate a mask mandate two weeks after school started, which won't start for another two. Weird the district and I have a vastly different meaning of the word emergency.

Some random thoughts. The expert's opinions and medical evidence didn't change from a month ago when the district decided to have a mask mandate with an opt-out that they promptly shot in the foot.  

The opt-out may have actually worked if the district would not have decided there would be no consequences for students who just chose not to wear a mask. That doomed it before it even got started. 

Why does the district give so much deference to the crazy anti maskers? Last night they brought up BLM, Antifa, Rockefeller, A-Rabs, Heart worm medicine, repeatedly referenced the U.S. Constitution, which has absolutely nothing to do with this situation, and Joe Biden at least 4 times and said over and over there is no evidence that masks work when there is tons of it. These are the people that the district has deferred to. It's maddening.

They continue to accommodate them by not starting the mask mandate by this Monday, postponing it for weeks.

However, they probably had to do so because there were only, in my estimation, three mask or bust votes going into the meeting. Joyce and Hershey, who has turned heel, were always nos, Willie, Andersen though JC does she have to go one so much and Jones were yeses, leaving Coker and Pearson left needing some level of convincing.

So we have the mask mandate, though waiting a month is kind of like kissing your cousin, but that's just part of the battle.

A battle we are going to lose unless the school board gets its act together because there is a lot more that needs to be done.

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