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Friday, August 6, 2021

From masks to whatever a timeline.

 July 27th the school board after discussing masks said they would meet the following week after consulting with experts to make their decision. 

On July 30th, even before the executive order came out, Greene announced that because of the EO students would not be required to wear masks.

July 30th-August 2nd, she repeated above to constituents.

August third the SB meets and decides everyone will have to wear masks with a parental/guardian opt-out provision. Much of the city rejoiced.

August 5th Greene says there will be no consequences for students not wearing masks effectively rendering any mask policy moot.

At some point don't we have to just say Greene isn't down with masks? That students not wearing them is the policy that SHE wants?

When she says the district is going to do everything to keep staff and students safe, we know that is not true, because we can point to her actions.

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