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Thursday, August 5, 2021

Greene snubs her nose at the school board, masks, and the raging pandemic.

 Last week superintendent Greene sent a letter to staff saying that students will not be required to wear masks because of the governor's executive order. She said the same thing to constituents who sent her letters requesting children wear masks.  

However, the school board felt differently and days later defied both the governor and superintendent when they said students will be required to wear masks unless their parents opt them out. 

Well, superintendent Greene said, hold my beer as she announced there would be zero, none, nadda consequences for children who won't wear masks. A rule without a consequence for breaking the rule isn't a rule, it's a suggestion. She basically snubbed her nose at the board and once again sided with a governor. 

I teach in the district and I am not even going to try and have my students wear masks because what's the point, our dear leader at the school board building, ignoring all medical experts, science, and what's happening around her has told the district not to bother.

1 comment:

  1. So if a 10 year old(with no opt out paperwork) shows up day 1 with a mask and/or gets rid of it once they step on campus there's nothing teachers can do? Meanwhile the vaccinated adults on campus are required to wear our masks for 30 days?? Where is Brady & the DTU? Greene is pooping in our mouths & calling it a sundae
