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Friday, February 18, 2011

Rally in the Park

FEBRUARY 1968...

* The New York Central and Pennsylvania Railroads merged in what was the largest corporate merger to date.

* Protests in Orangeburg, South Carolina result in the killing of three college students.

* The Winter Olympics were held in Grenoble, France.

* Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood debuted in public television.

* The Tet Offensive ended.

A winter of solidarity...

In February 1968. over 25,000 Florida educators walked out in what was the first statewide teachers strike in American history. This weekend, let's remember the courage of those teachers and administrators (Yes, many principals joined the strike) who stood up for public education.

FEBRUARY 2011...

How can we make our own stand today? It is up to us to take every opportunity to advocate for our schools. I invite you to join me at Metropolitan Park on Monday, February 21 at 4PM to speak out for funding public education. Like our friends to the north in places like Wisconsin and Ohio, we are under siege. It is essential that we make our voices heard alongside our friends and allies for they cannot fight this battle alone.
Together we honor the past, improve the present and build the future.

John L. Meeks, Jr.

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