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Friday, February 18, 2011

Life sucks for me, I am glad it sucks for teachers and state workers too

Life sucks for me, I am glad it sucks for teachers and state workers too.

WOW that seems to be the best argument some have, best and shameful for the proposed changes to pensions, benefits and cuts in salary that many public sector employees are facing. By the way teachers and state workers did not put our economy in the situation it is in so why should they be expected to pull us out of it. Those that got rich did so and continue to do so.

Our local govt. gives billions of dollars in tax breaks to corporations that are not creating jobs. If jobs aren't here now while our tax situation is already one of the lowest in the nation and while we don’t have an income tax, what makes Rick Scott, the tea party and others think bussinesses are going to come if we wreck the school system, weaken govt. services and hurt our environment?

What good does it do to have low taxes if the state crumbles around us? Our children, elderly and disabled aren't taken care of? The people that support this travesty, that are whole hearted buying what Scott is selling are stabbing themselves and the state in the heart.

Chris Guerrieri


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