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Sunday, February 27, 2011

To Remove Rick Scott

From the Edward Ringwald Blog

I received this reply from a fellow Blogger user who replied to my latest blog entry on Florida Governor Rick Scott about a web site in operation which is an initiative to have Florida's 45th Governor, Rick Scott, recalled from office. The web site is

Unfortunately, the process of recalling a Governor of the State of Florida from office is not defined. Florida has a recall process, but it only applies to local officials within Florida. A bill in the Florida House of Representatives authored by Florida State Representative Rick Kriseman of St. Petersburg - HJR 785 - will call for an amendment to the Constitution of the State of Florida to allow for recall of the Governor and other high ranking Florida officials from office. Only the passage of HJR 785 and the eventual approval of the amendment by the voters of this great state will get this recall process going.

We need to get HJR 785 passed and this constitutional amendment passed as soon as possible, not in 2012 when Rick Scott will more than likely have done a substantial amount of damage to Florida's economy.

In the meantime, here's what you need to do as a Floridian to bring back government to the people, not to Corporate America and Corporate Florida:

What you need to do is to write your state representative expressing your support for HJR 785. Now you are asking yourself, how do I know who my state representative is?

It's very simple: Look on your voter information card that your county's Supervisor of Elections sent you. It will have the district number of your state representative printed on it. If you are not sure you can always telephone your county's supervisor of elections or visit their web site.

Pinellas County: or (727) 464-6788
Hillsborough County: or (813) 744-5900
For other Florida counties: Link to Florida Department of State's Division of Elections list of county Supervisors of Elections page

The staff of your county's Supervisor of Elections office will help you in determining who your Florida state representative is. When you call or write your state representative, tell them that you support HJR 785 in order to make our state officials such as our Governor accountable to the people of this great state. If you would like to write a letter to your elected representative and you don't know how to begin writing, here's a sample letter from the website shown below (of course, you can edit it as you like):

I’m writing to let you know that because I am deeply disappointed in the recent actions of our new Governor, and because I support the right of a state’s citizens to hold our elected officials accountable, I am urging you to give HJR785 your full support.

Rick Scott is bad news for Florida — legislators from both parties agree that his decision to scratch the long-awaited high-speed rail project was ill-advised, indefensible and unconscionable, especially considering Florida’s current unemployment rate and the fact that 25% of our revenue comes from the tourism industry.

I hope you will support not only HJR785, but any further actions aimed at the recall of Gov. Scott.

Please let your Florida state representative know today - we Floridians have a chance to save our state from major economic ruin so much that we cannot pick up the pieces. And if you have already contacted your representative, you are more than welcome to report your contact to your Florida representative simply by posting a reply.

And thanks to genepool3 for sending me the link!


  1. Rick Scott is indeed bad news. Florida deserves a better who thinks his actions through. Glad you posted this, I'm going to share it with everyone.

  2. Kick Rick Trick Scott to the CURB !!
    he is corrupt !!
    Our local GOP group allll hate him !!!
    Floridians are all for Florida !
    We tend to all work togther weather democrats or GOP. We all want the space program-environment- FAST RAIL !!!
    What the He__ __L is wrong with this nut !!
    He has got to GO NOW !!!
    So says all Floridians !
    hell Id vote for Alex Sink now!

  3. get rid of rick scott!

  4. This man is the worst governor ever...he has to go...

  5. You need to document pro/con legislators, let them know they will be monitored on these measures, that their votes will be recorded, and a report distributed just before any future elections. You have to do something like that or they will vote it down. Best of luck, to us all...

  6. This man needs to be removed from office and now. Every day he is in office more damage is done to Florida.
    I don't know or understand all the rules but you just can't tell me that Florida does not have a way to kick an out of control Governer out of office, and fast!

  7. Rick Scott was planted by the ultraconservative reactionary wingnuts currently in power in Tallahassee. The strategy was that he pretended to be the jobs man who wanted to help working class people "get back to work", and they fell for it! Unfortunately he kept his true agenda quiet, just like Fidel Castro, Hitler, and some others once did...
