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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Is it time to elect Florida's education commisioner?

Yes definitly. -cpg

From the St. Pertersburg Times Gradebook

by Jeff Solochek

Until Charlie Crist left the office, Florida's education commissioner was an elected post. Several prominent leaders, including Frank Brogan and Doug Jamerson, held the job.

Since Crist, though, the position has been an appointed one, first by the governor and then by the State Board of Education.

State Sen. Joe Negron has proposed returning the choice to the voters. And, according to a new poll by Lobbytools (subscription required), a majority of voters agree.

In the poll, 56 percent of respondents answered Yes to the statement "the commissioner of education should be of the same stature as the CFO, attorney general and the commissioner of agriculture, and voters should be able to choose the best candidate."

27 percent said, "No, it should be the governor's prerogative to select a commissioner who supports his goals, and elections for the position would bring unnecessary and potentially harmful politics into education."

17 percent said, "It doesn't matter, as long as the commissioner fulfills his duties it makes no difference how he gets the position."

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