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Sunday, December 22, 2013

40 Duval Schools benefit from grade protection

Yada, yada, yada, and the state board of education has a rule that schools can’t drop more than one letter grade no matter what. Many others and I have debated the reasons behind this rule many times. Regardless 40 Duval schools benefited from the rule this past year and that means about a quarter of our schools should have dropped two letter grades.

Look I think we have a lot of good things going on and I think after years of poor management we are finally headed in the right direction. This is just another example of how far we have to go and the hole Pratt-Dannals and the old school board left us in.

The thing that gets me though is who besides my blog is reporting it? I mean who and isn’t this something the people of Jacksonville deserve to know?

Our media has let our city down and in doing so has caused or exacerbated many of our problems. 

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