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Saturday, December 7, 2013

Some Florida legislators push back against education reforms

First after one charter school scandal after another Sen. Jeff Clemens, D-Lake Worth, filed senate bill 452 last week which would require charter schools to meet a specific instructional need that local district schools can’t in order to obtain approval. Even charter school advocates should like this bill because how many scandals can their industry take before the entire public turns against them.

Then Senator Dwight Bullard introduced a bill pushing back performance pay at least to the 15-16 school year, which would give lawmakers and other officials an opportunity to review and improve the system.

Finally the Florida Superintendent association asked for more time to properly implement common core, Volusia County Schools Superintendent Margaret Smith addressed the board at a meeting in Gainesville and said the Florida Association of District School Superintendents is concerned schools aren’t ready to implement new standards.

“We as superintendents see the need for an adjustment to the timeline as one that could not have been anticipated when the initial plans were made,” Smith said. She told the board that the association will propose a three-year plan to implement new standards for English, literacy and mathematics.

That’s push back against charters, blame the teacher evaluations and common core, three of the corporate reformers crown jewels. 

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