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Monday, December 23, 2013

Teachers, the greediest people around.

Or at least that’s the way John Hage millionaire owner of Charter School U.S.A. makes them sound.

Writing in Redefined Ed, Jeb Bush’s pro-privatization blog, where they never met a public school that was good or a charter school that was bad, he said: Now that the education reform movement has grown to nearly 2.3 million students in charter schools and hundreds of thousands more in other reform alternatives, it is my wish that education reformers avoid becoming like the very system we want to transform.

We don’t want to be driven by adult interests. Nor do we want to become just another blob of regulation and red tape filled with political subterfuge that closely resembles the current broken K-12 traditional education system.

I find it rich that millionaires complain about teachers and their adult interests. Though I admit I have lots of them. I like to pay my rent, I only want to eat ramen noodles the two days before payday and occasionally I even like to go to a movie at night.

As for the broken system, I admit our system has huge problems, like ignoring poverty and depending on high stakes testing to grade our schools. The problem however is these are championed by Hage and his ilk. They in effect have put in place roadblocks and then chuckled while using them to prove their points.

Furthermore speaking of a failed system, Charter Schools U.S.A. has been denied expansion in Tampa because of poor performance. It’s the height of hypocrisy that he complains about public schools when the schools he runs despite numerous advantages aren’t performing any better and often times worse than their public school counterparts. 

This guy is a mercenary and I take some solace knowing that if the reform movement/err privatization movement is using him as your poster boy then they are doomed.

To read more about Hage's utter lack of humility, click the link:

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