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Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Is Florida a success or a failure? Well it depends on which test you believe.

When the NEAP scores came out that measured Florida’s 4th and 8th graders people like Jeb Bush bent over backwards to say how well Florida was doing.

Fast forward to the PISA results and oh boy, Florida is failing its kids, mostly because we aren’t doing more of what Jeb Bush says we should be doing.

And somehow they use both the good scores and the bad scores as indicators that the corporate reforms that Florida is full speed ahead on are working, though if you dive behind the cherry picked numbers they use you might come up with a different conclusion.  

And what does NEAP and Pisa stand for? Who cares, it’s just one more test for our already tested to death kids have to take. Instead of worrying about how we compare to the nation and the world we need to start worrying about how many kids we get to college, graduate that don’t hate school and how many we can get out of poverty. I don’t care what some kid is doing in Michigan and Singapore, though I wish them well. I care that our kids have a chance.

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