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Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Did Chris Jackson want to go to Ribault because he had lost the Ed White staff?

The other day in the paper Vitti said Chris Jackson the principal of Ed Whit wanted to go to Ribault.

First is that how we are doing things? People just get to go where they want to go? I wonder how many other principals got to pick their assignment? My guess is not that many.

More likely he wanted to reunite with Iranetta Wright, who must know where the bodies are buried because how she has advanced through the ranks is not supported by data and who is now in charge of the QEA schools of which Ribault is one of.

Good luck to them.

Another reason he might have wanted to leave is he had lost the staff at Ed White. Below is their climate survey.

Friends it is even worse than it seems. I am told there is so much new staff at White, teachers who don't know they shouldn't be mistreated that it is a wonder the scores are so low.

I have an idea, lets transfer around principals that lose their staffs and do a poor job, oh the district already had that idea.  


  1. Where can I find the surveys for individual schools?

  2. Are you kidding me? Christopher left to increase his income for his growing family and to get rid of the ineffective leadership team he had. Talk about a group of people who could not get the job done. Let's not mention the intimidation faced when they would drop a kid off in your class while you are still trying to figure out why the referral was not processed. When you would get copies of the referrals, some would show that the same administrator was not signing it. In addition one secretary in particular was running the office, issuing discipline, and even signing the referrals. It got to the point that dress code and discipline issues were not being enforced so most teachers gave up trying. You could clearly observe administrators turning their heads the other way when numerous students walked around with hats on their heads, see through clothes, stripped jeans up to the waistline, etc. Nevertheless, Christopher Jackson did what he could with what he had. Could he have done better? The answer to the question is absolutely yes, but just like anything else in the district, when you are trying to figure out why he left, and why we are testing more than teaching, just follow the money.

  3. Christopher Jackson is going to Ribault? Who makes these principal changes? Christopher Jackson could not get the job done at Ed White so he is shipped off to a high school that has a history of inferior academic performance. I question the judgment of whoever is making these decisions. It appears no differently than the prior administrator. The only thing that has changed are the players.
