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Tuesday, June 24, 2014

MSNBC’s Morning Joe once again shows their anti teacher bias.

They had Campbell Brown on to discuss bringing California style justice to NY and how she planned to sue NY teachers over work protections. She said, while she doesn’t disagree with the effects of poverty, teachers are the number one in school factor and have to be dealt with and implied since there is nothing we can do about poverty teachers make an easier target.

Mica Brezinski, whose ambien must have been working over time, seemed to agree and said, it’s to bad we have to be busy with the “extreme cases that show the whole system is as ridiculous as it is.” un what, you rarely see the words extreme cases and whole system in a sentence, a coherent one that is.

Dr. Jeffery Sachs the Director of the Earth Institute, the con to Browns pro teacher bashing, tried to say we should take a holistic rather than blame approach but the poor guy wasn’t allowed to finish a sentence and in fact after being interrupted several times and while trying to answer a question was told, please don’t interrupt me by the little guy with glasses who agreed that teaching quality was a big problem.

There was nothing about how the Vergera ruling was made based on made up testimony, how the teachers in the case were actually fairly accomplished and how a couple of the kids went to charter schools.

I don’t mind discussions about the issue, and Chris Hayes the 8 pm host is doing some good work bringing up the problems in education, because we should always be striving to make the profession and education better but this wasn’t a discussion this was a “teachers suck and our hurting our kids” segment, a segment they seem to have a lot of.  

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