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Sunday, June 15, 2014

Superintendnet Vitti sticks a stake in the heart of teacher morale.

It's no secret that poor teacher morale has been a problem here in Jacksonville. The superintendent has mentioned it as well as various school board members. So what does the super say when a study comes out excoriating, I mean really slamming the districts teachers? Well according tot he Times Union he gives it, high marks.

Not something nuanced like, it gives the district a lot to think about, or something that stands up for our teachers like, the district has a lot of great teachers and we just have to put more in places where they can succeed. Nope nothing like that. Instead he gives it a toothy grinning thumbs up. He might as well have said, yeah I know a lot of our teachers suck and this study just proves it.

It's to bad he hasn't given the district's teachers a chance to evaluate him.

Gee, I feel a lot better knowing the superintendent thinks most of us suck, it really helps my morale, how about yours?

To read the piece clink the link:


  1. Well the guy is very naive, we all know that, plus he is really unqualified for the OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT, with only 3 years of teaching experience. But he is serving the cause of education privatization for which he was selected. I pray he will soon receive his just rewards according to his own actions.

    A lot of SOULS (IN TEACHERS) are really hurting, but Truth will never be defeated! Hurt not a human heart. I am a practicing mystic and I am well aware of how karmic laws work.

    There will be SPIRITUAL INTERVENTION; I only wish that more teachers would sanction the cosmic laws. I taught for 1 year at First Coast High School and became partially bald (lost about half my hair) due to intense stress, but after 2 years I have regained quite a bit. The baldness is not very obvious, now. May the LORD OF JUSTICE right the wrongs perpetrated against our TEACHERS.

  2. God is simple; everything else is complex; Vitti is very complex. Of course its because he worships mammon. I give him an F-grade just because he is so naive. Also, I think he has 2 years of teaching experience, not 3 as stated in the first comment. Vitti also needs to realize that the Duval School Board and the Duval Schools are not his family inheritance; they belong to us - taxpayers.

  3. No tenure means no job security; so why become a teacher?
    No tenure means teaching is not a profession anymore.
    No tenure means you don't need unions.
    Why pay union dues when you don't have tenure?
    Union leaders are spineless - jelly fishes.

    Teachers are not treated as professionals by their administrators.
    Bone-headed/knuckle-headed administrators are disrespecting teachers with important degrees.
    Teachers who have Physics degrees don't like to be disrespected by bone-headed administrators.
    Teachers who have Chemistry degrees don't like to be disrespected by bone-headed administrators.
    Teachers who have Mathematics degrees don't like to be disrespected by bone-headed administrators.
    Teachers who have Engineering degrees don't like to be disrespected by bone-headed administrators.
    Teachers who have Medical degrees don't like to be disrespected by bone-headed administrators.
    Teachers who have Physician Assistant degrees don't like to be disrespected by bone-headed administrators.

    The teacher education curriculum for holders of non-education degrees is mostly useless.
    Most of the people who teach for alternative teacher certification have lower IQ than their students who have much more powerful degrees and much rich industry experience.
    Most new teachers, in Florida start at between $30 K and $40K a year, whereas principals make $100K.
    Principals and Assistant Principals make no positive impact on students' education unless they actually teach classes, which is extremely rare.

    Inner city students enjoy making fools of teachers.
    Inner city parents enjoy making fools of teachers.
    CAST evaluation and VAM scores are disrespectful to teachers.
    Teachers are repressed, subjugated, maligned, and demonized by their politicians and even their OJT Super who thinks teachers suck.
    Teaching has become the worse sorry *ss job in the US, particularly Duval County, Florida.
