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Monday, June 9, 2014

Is it okay to sacrifice some children’s futures as the school choice movement figures it out.

I asked one of the ReDefined Ed guys, Jeb Bush’s pro-privatization blog, who had just written a piece about how great charter schools were doing, about the 250 charter schools that have taken public money and closed leaving families and communities in a lurch in Florida over the years. Where they factor into all the good data. 

It was almost like I was speaking Greek to him as he said since they closed the students who attended them didn't have their data factored in. Though we all know the kids data was factored into the public schools they returned too. He then said it’s a good thing that those charters closed as it would leave only higher performing charter schools left. It didn’t matter that thousands and thousands of children had their educations and futures damaged.

Then today in the same blog Jason Bedrick of the, I have never met a public school they liked and charter school they didn’t, Cato Institute wrote, over time, this market process weeds out ineffective approaches and encourages the proliferation of more effective approaches.

Oh, over time, a few years maybe, perhaps a decade, perhaps longer, who knows right? The free market eventually figures everything out after all. Also who cares if tens and hundreds of thousands of children more have their futures shortchanged in the mean time?

In their dystopian future public schools have no place, with only a few charter chains and an unregulated voucher accepting private schools remaining. That's what they want the free market to figure out.

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