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Saturday, June 28, 2014

Duval County surplusses 700 teachers

That friends is an unprecedented number. That's friends is also ten percent of the teachers in the city. Holy lack of stability Batman. Most of these teachers don't know where they will end up yet especially the ones administratively surplussed from the QEA (Duval's doomed attempt to bring our best teachers to our most struggling schools) schools.

I talked to an assistant principal at an elementary school and she said they had taken in three transfers and hired one new teacher until Human Resources nixed the acquisitions because the surplus list was to big and schools needed to pull from that instead. That's even more lives upended though I guess most of them will be better off than the three hundred security guards and secretaries which are about to be let go.

Does it seem like we are going forward or backwards to you?


  1. I guarantee you that Vitti will have to add all these teachers back in, as he cut electives that would cover that extra period he feels the students really need, and when he realizes in August that the schools need those electives, he will scramble to put those teachers back in their positions. He could also just do the right thing the first time around; alas, that would make sense.

  2. Backwards, for sure!

  3. Duval county continues to fill its under-performing schools with surplus teachers. Since they cannot staff their building they pull teachers from fully staffed and functional schools and move them to schools that do have a need. However, if you are not a teacher that is looking to be at this school it makes it hard to do your job. If you are used to teaching a certain kind of student your methods may not transition well into these types of environments.
    Secondly, this is just wrong. Moving teachers midway through the year is wrong for both students and teachers. People work toward achieving a goal. When all that work is for no reason people become deflated and doing your job both student and teacher becomes harder. Duval County sees teachers as a number and not people.
    Third, we as a district are being overtaken by Charter Schools. If we want to stop these schools from continuing to take funding and students, then we need to stop moving teachers and administrators in high performing schools. If a school has a D or F grade it likely lost some students. We need to staff these schools maybe with extra teachers to bring these students back. They left the school for a reason. It will not move back to an A or B without the staff to facilitate this growth. We need to become mindful that you have to spend money to make money.
