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Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Six board members of the Jacksonville Public Education Fund donate to Darryl Willie's campaign.

Cindy Edelman and her husband 2,000 dollars.
John Baker, 1,000 dollars
Gary Chardrand, his wife Nancy and daughter Meredith, 2,500 dollars
Poppy Clements and her husband 2,000 dollars
Cleve Warren, 255 dollars
Deloris Weaver's husband and son, 1,500 dollars

I hope we all see the conflict of interest here. The line between the JPEF and the School District is becoming increasingly blurred what with them running numerous activities and managing tens of millions of dollars through the Quality Education for All initiative.  

It now looks like they are trying to buy a school board member too, well another one as Ashley Smith Juarez is already in their pocket.


1 comment:

  1. It really concerns me when people who know nothing about our communities, neighborhoods or our schools are selected by people from the outside for us to elect. We keep electing "Bought" and "Bossed" people to represent us, but, our children suffer because we did not get it right. I say to Mr. Willie, "It's about the many, not the money."
