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Thursday, March 24, 2016

Is Vitti getting worse as a superintendent? He seems to think so.

In June of 2013 the superintendent gave himself 47 out of 48 highly effectives, Only Jesus, Tiger Woods and Micheal Jordan ever received more. That was after just seven months on the job.

Fast forward to today and his self evaluation is a little different, now its still what most teachers would kill for but it's not walk on water.

From the Times Union:

Duval Schools Superintendent Nikolai Vitti gave himself “effective” ratings in a self-evaluation he turned in to school board members.

That puts him one step below the top rating of “highly effective” but better than the other ratings of “developing” or “needs improvement.” The board will decide March 31 whether they agree with him when each member turns in their own evaluation of the district’s top administrator.
Though if you read the piece he gives himself credit for everything short of the sun rising.
If I were evaluating Vitti I would give him needs improvement nearly across the board with the only highly effective coming in securing grants, even I am impressed with this administrations ability to do so.
Speaking honestly I feel the district has taken a major step back under his watch, mostly because as bad as things were under Pratt-Dannals we as a district weren't in danger of being privatized which is a constant threat with Vitti at the helm.
Has he done some nice things? Sure, but with teacher morale, discipline, the curriculum in elementary school and pushing back against mercenaries looking to make a buck off our children  he has been a failure. 

1 comment:

  1. When school grades came out, these schools were among those receiving an "I": Raines, Lee, Jackson, and Northwestern. How will their final grades, when and if released, figure into Vitti's evaluation in decreasing the number of D and F schools? I am not sure why these schools got an "I" in the first place either.
