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Thursday, March 24, 2016

Some early shenanigans in the district 7 race

Some early shenanigans in the district 7 race

Thus far there are six candidates in district seven and a few of them are off to poor starts.

First there is Nick Harding who wrote a Facebook post where he wrote about several to say the least controversial positions.

Then there is Greg Tison who appears to be crossing being elected off a bucket list a he is running for his third different position in four years

Now let’s add Ricky King to the list.

Stacie Dern, Lorie Hershey and Barbara Tascono are the other candidates thus far, take a moment and visit these sites.

As you can see they all take you to Ricky King’s web-page. Nothing illegal mind you but come on!
I don’t want a candidate that is going to try and use parlor tricks to get me to vote for them I want a serious candidate who is going to bring serious solutions to our serous issues.

Furthermore School Choice is always a red flag for me too as quite often that doesn’t mean more options in our schools that serve our children’s interest but privatization.

District 7 is the most important race we have had in 25 years and it’s important that unlike in 2012 we get it right and we need a candidate committed to doing things the right way and buying the names of the other opponents .com isn’t that way.

Oy vey!


  1. Ask Barbara why she has her kids at Bolles instead of her district 7 schools, for which she is looking to represent.

    1. yes... work with her. don't know who posted that statement but it is true... she has her kids in Bolles

    2. Yes, this is true. I have been dedicated to the school system for many years. When interviewing schools for my first grader, I recognized the curriculum wasn't rigorous, the class sizes were extremely large and their was little focus on safety. I chose the best environment possible for him. I work in my classroom daily to offer greater rigor and attention to safety and excellence. Why run for school board? Well, because of the efforts I conduct daily to increase educational excellence in Duval, beginning with each and every one of my students. I strive to offer the level of education I know is valuable and viable to parents and members of our community. I also know my unique and diverse educational experience and Education Master's degree provides me a great knowledge base to develop policy for the Board.

  2. Thanks for writing this blog. I am so excited to be in such an important race and having a 4th grade son in a Duval County public school means this race is extremely personal to me. My daughter is working on her secondary education math degree and will one day be working in the system. I can't have my first born teaching in this environment. I too will have my early education degree by the end of this year and if I am not fortunate enough to win, I will take up the fight hopefully as a teacher in one of our local public schools. Yes, I am one of the candidates running for the school board and my name is Stacie P. Dern, please don't forget the "P"

  3. Thank you for bringing light to this issue. We need to be having conversations about our schools.

  4. I am glad Ricky King is no longer in the race, this is a serious election for those who truly care about the education of our children.
