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Monday, September 24, 2018

Nick Howland is very impressed by his endorsements, um where are the ones from parents and teachers?

On Facebook Nick Howland told me:

Nick Howland I’m endorsed by the Times-Union, the Chamber, NEFBA, NEFAR, both City Councilman in our district, and 2 Beaches mayors. They appreciate my military, business and civic background and my message of fiscal responsibility, school safety, great teachers and great educational options. My wife and I are products of public school and we have 2 kids in Duval public schools. I do not support privatization. Watch the JPEF video, or visit 

You know I don't live at the beach, but I guess that is pretty impressive list, though since they are basically the same people who supported Scott Shine who has been a disaster on the bard and who has basically quit his job though he continues to be paid on his home stretch, I think it is fair to question their knowledge on what a good candidate looks like.

You know who I don't see on the list though? Teachers and parents. if I was running for school board that is the people I would want. That's whose endorsements I would go after. Instead he goes after business groups and politicians, nether of which has been very friendly to pubic education.

I also love how at the end he adds, I do not support privatization, though he certainly will take their money and their endorsements.

In district 2 there is really only one option if you support public ed and that is Elizabeth Andersen, please consider giving her your support.


  1. Chris, you should run again. You can use the tag line: "let's put a criminal on school board."

    1. Scott, Scott, Scott, the worst and most unpopular school board member ever, criticizes me? Oh boy the chutzpah on this guy. Your debasement of the position continues.
