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Thursday, February 20, 2020

FLDOE’s new student success strategy, let kids sleep and don’t tell them to check their work.

FLDOE’s new strategy, let kids sleep and don’t tell them to check their work.

Can there be any doubt that the Richard Corcoran led FLDOE wants public schools to fail? I don’t think so but in case anybody did take a look at the new test taking directives they have given which includes letting kids sleep, and not telling them to double check their work.



Friends I also want to remind you that the kids that attend Florida’s voucher schools don’t have to take any test. The accountability that is so important for our public schools is nonexistent in our voucher ones.

Corcoran is a charlatan and a hack, a villain looking to profit while kneecapping children and robbing them of their futures yet somehow, he has been put in charge.


And in case you wanted to reward kids who did well.

To read more, click the link,

1 comment:

  1. If a child has a federally protected IEP that has "verbal encouragement" during testing and a teacher does not offer it, can the teacher, district personnel and state be sued?
