So step up for students takes in hundreds of millions of dollars and in years past had put who the donors were in their annual reports, not the amounts mind you, well friends, their annual reports have now been scrubbed from the internet and that is shady as #@$%.
Step up for Students, has received quite a bit of criticism for financing vouchers to schools that practice discrimination, and some of those business that had given them money have recently declared they no longer would.
From NBC news;
Wyndham Destinations became the third major company in three days to announce it will stop donating millions of dollars to Florida’s private school voucher program after a newspaper investigation found that some of the program's beneficiaries discriminate against LGBTQ students.
Step up for Students, has received quite a bit of criticism for financing vouchers to schools that practice discrimination, and some of those business that had given them money have recently declared they no longer would.
From NBC news;
Wyndham Destinations became the third major company in three days to announce it will stop donating millions of dollars to Florida’s private school voucher program after a newspaper investigation found that some of the program's beneficiaries discriminate against LGBTQ students.
Wyndham said that it told the organization last year that it would "halt funding if concerns about the voucher program were not addressed."
"As we have not seen any further action to address our concerns, we are today discontinuing our support and funding for Step Up For Students and hope that the organization will quickly work with the Florida Legislature to immediately end any discriminatory practices existing within the voucher program," the company told NBC News and CNBC on Thursday afternoon.
Now any info is completely gone.
Let me ask you a question, if SUFS was proud of what they were doing and were on the up and up why would they hide who donates to them? How is it permissible that information about hundreds of millions diverted from the state treasury is allowed to be secret?
Here is a tweet giving a link to their 17-18 annual report,
Want to know who is supporting @StepUp4Students and the schools that are allowed to discriminate. Urban outfitters @UrbanOutfitters say its not true Their 17-18 report is online, pages 13 &14
Now it takes you to a 404 page, and if you google step up for students annual report they all take you to that or a version of that page.
Only in Florida

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