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Sunday, June 7, 2020

Education Budget cuts are happening across the country, while Florida pretends all is well.

Michigan schools will face devastating budget cuts in the coming school year unless the federal government pitches in to help offset revenue losses from the coronavirus pandemic, State Superintendent Michael Rice said Thursday.

Last month, as part of a plan to make up for a coronavirus-triggered $54 billion state revenue shortfall, Gov. Gavin Newsom proposed deep cuts to California’s education spending.

Drastic cuts to public school spending could come as soon as this summer, an acceleration of the fiscal pain that analysts had already been forecasting for K-12 education. 
State budgets have been massacred by the widespread shutdown of the economy. And school finance experts—updating their forecasts on a near-daily basis—are now saying public schools will be forced as soon as this summer to make dramatic cuts to their budgets.
COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Gov. Mike DeWine said Tuesday the state will cut nearly $800 million in spending — most affecting education and health care — to offset the loss of tax revenue stemming from the coronavirus crisis.
A financial storm is headed straight for Colorado’s schools. State income and sales tax have fallen through the floor and the state faces as much as a $3 billion dollar hit.  So school districts across the state are preparing for years of budget cuts, with the hardest hits expected two to three years down the road, according to state forecasts.
JEFFERSON CITY — Gov. Mike Parson on Monday announced an additional $209 million in budget cuts before the end of this fiscal year, with the majority of cuts hitting the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.
Of the $209 million in new cuts, more than $131 million will come from K-12 education, Parson said. 
After nearly 3 1/2 hours of discussion, the Utah Legislature’s Public Education Appropriations Subcommittee Monday agreed on three tiers of recommended cuts to the $3.8 billion public education base budget that totals some $380 million.
Schools across the state are in a tough spot. The governor has threatened to cut education funding by up to 20%, remote learning is continuing through the summer and potential fall reopenings will require extensive planning. State Board of Regents Chancellor Betty Rosa weighed in on some of these issues during a City & State webinar on Tuesday. She spoke about the impacts that proposed cuts would have on schools and students alike as well as how the state can begin rethinking its approach to education during these unprecedented times.
The articles go on and on. 
All across the country Education Budgets are being cut yet Tallahassee seems content on rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic as catastrophic news about falling tax revenues roll in.
We are going to be down billions and our rainy day fund isn't going to cover it. This is made worse by the fact schools with the pandemic will need more resources than ever before. 
Next year's budget kicks in, in a little less than a month and it would be nice if we had a governor and legislature looking  to make sure our schools, children and teachers had what they needed.
More Boston Public School Budget Cuts for 2016-17

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