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Saturday, June 27, 2020

Support Mr. G for district 3 by getting a (free) button

Hello friends, I hope this finds you well. As many of you know I am running for school board! Today we are starting a social media campaign to boost knowledge about the campaign and we would love your help!

Are you in? If so PM us your address and we will put a button in the mail to you ASAP! Even if you do not live in district 3 we want you to participate!!!

What then? When you get the button we want you to take a picture of you wearing it and add it to your social media and tag the campaign page!

Why you ask? We think this way more people can learn that we have a candidate who understands that the better things are for teachers the better they will be for students and families. We want people to know there is a candidate with ideas who isn't afraid to face the issues!

So if you would like to help us out, PM us your address and we will get the button to you.

Two things, like I said it doesn't matter if you live in district 3 or not, I am sure you know someone who does, and getting a button is a good way to stop me from bothering you, about buttons anyway (insert wink emoji here).

Feel free to share with people who care about both education and buttons and if you haven't already liked the candidate page please do!

Then if you are in the position to help financially, and friends no ammount is to small, we will but five dollars to work, click the link.

Thank You

Chris Guerrieri

1 comment:

  1. Well God Bless you and wish you all the best for your campaign
