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Friday, June 12, 2020

Florida needs a special legislative session to ADD to the education budget (draft)

Florida has been sitting in its hands for the last few weeks. Now it did announce some plans recently and has talked about how they will spend the CARES funds but that has left most people underwhelmed to say the least.

Even if by some miracle school budgets are held harmless something I don't expect to happen, schools will need more resources than ever before, resources most don't have.  

From the U.S. NEWS and World Report,

 IN ORDER TO ADHERE TO the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention safety recommendations for reopening, school districts will be forced to spend nearly $2 million per district that they hadn't budgeted for – a cost so prohibitive that some are now scrapping plans for in-person classes entirely this fall.

"There are some saying, 'It's early, but I have to tell you, I don't see how we could possibly open without additional funds,'" Daniel Domenech, executive director of AASA, the School Superintendents Association, says. "It's becoming an overwhelming problem and many districts are considering returning to distance learning."
The cost analysis from the superintendents organization and the Association of School Business Officials International shows that in some cases school districts can expect to spend an additional $490 per student in order to cover costs associated with purchasing hand sanitizer, disinfectant wipes and other cleaning supplies, gloves, masks and other personal protective equipment, hiring additional custodial staff and nurses, and more. The additional expenses for an average school district of about 3,700 students total $1.8 million.
An extra 490 dollars for student. That is a lot considering how most school districts are already stretched to the point of breaking.
Underwhelming plans and underfunded schools is a recipe for disaster.
I think schools need to open in some fashion, A/B days, blended learning, I don't know, but I do know we have only one chance to get it right or we will be right back where we were last spring.
The Florida Legislature should have a special session with two goals in mind, to hold school budgets harmless and to give our children and teachers what they need.  

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