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Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Help Chris Guerrieri, Mr. G for District 3, get elected.

Hello friends I am asking for your help as we run for school board.  I say we because that is how I think about it. As a teacher, education advocate and blogger, I hear from parents and teachers all the time who do not feel like they have a voice, whose cries go unheard and whose needs go unmet.

That will end after I, after we are elected.

So, I need your help and there are lots of ways you can do so.

First money and I get it times can be tough but truly every little bit can help. If you find yourself in the place to do so, click the link, it is super easy and barely an inconvenience to do so.

Or you can send a check made out to Chris Guerrieri for school board district 3 to 9360 Craven Rd Unit 403 Jax Fl 32257.

Then like and share both the Facebook Candidate page and The Blog. Getting word out about the campaign is paramount.

Soon we will be launching a button and endorsement social media campaigns and we will need your help with that, and I am excited to announce we have signs on the way too. They will be here this weekend

Finally, just spread the word that there is a candidate who is going to fight for teachers, because he knows the better things are for them the better, they will be for students, parents, and kids.   

Together we can make a difference.

Thank you

Chris Guerrieri, candidate district 3 school board.


  1. Is ASJ being termed out? I know what you stand for but can you tell us about one of your potential opponents for District 3 Cindy Pearson? Is there anybody else running for that seat currently? Not interested in mud slinging just weighing different options. Thx

  2. ASJ is termed out, there are 3 other candidates none backed by the man so that is encouraging. Pearson is a long time volunteer. You can learn more here.
