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Thursday, June 25, 2020

The district drops another bomb on staff

More shared decision making from the district, they make a decision and share it with staff.  Once again they make a decision that affects staff without caring how it affects staff until it does. Even on distance learning days teachers, even those teachers with children and no child care, will be expected to be at school.

From the Times Union,
On Thursday, the school district clarified to the Times-Union that even on days students are learning from home, teachers are expected to be on campus.
“It has been decided that teachers will report to school five days per week,” a spokeswoman said.
Other modifications because of the coronavirus are strict limits on class sizes, Greene said. Kindergarten- through third-grade classes are limited to 18 students, while fourth through eighth grade and ninth through 12th grade are limited to 22 and 25 students, respectively. These restrictions are for core classes. It’s unclear how elective classes will be impacted.
Um why? Why say kids have to be home but teachers have to be at school? If the days off are for deep cleaning, won't staff get in the way?

The answer is they don't trust staff and the don't care about staffs needs. If you need more evidence of that just look at their plans which are the exact opposite of what staff requested.

Bad plans will have bad results and any plan that doesn't take into consideration staff needs is a bad one.

We could and should be doing better. 


  1. I understand that elementary school teachers are considered glorified babysitters but I thought the plan was intended to limit the number of students at school at any one time for middle & high school students. For example at the high school level half the student body goes half the week and the other half the rest of the week. Is that not right or am I missing something?

  2. I wish I knew. I read the whole school was 2 on 3 off, but there are 4 grades in most and a couple 6-12 schools too. So I guess they could stagger it somehow.

    From DCPS and this is all the information they have give,

    High school students

    Students in ninth – 12th grade will attend their regular school two days a week with the remainder of their instruction occurring online through Duval HomeRoom.
