I get it, the tea party tells you to hate schools, public sector workers, the environment, the poor, the old and the disabled, our libraries, public schools and public parks so you do. They tell you taxes are too high so you demand your representatives do something though for some reason you are okay with tax breaks for corporations and the rich and you don’t seem to realize any benefit to you will be negligible.
The thing is what good are low taxes if Rome crumbles down around you, if the state turns into a place where nobody but the extreme rich wants to live in. What good are they if our children can’t be educated and our elderly and disabled are put in the streets, our libraries and parks close and our environment laid waste to?
Florida is already a pro business state without a low tax rate and without an income tax. If jobs aren’t flowing here now what makes you think they will when we demonize our teachers and public service workers and do what is described above. The agenda of the republican legislature is to make money for a few at the expense of the many. What good is deregulation if it benefits only the rich and hurts the common citizen?
Was it your idea to have them rig elections and the courts too because that as well is part of thier plan.
Is all that worth the seventy-nine, eighty extra bucks a year you might receive a year? It’s not and we all stand to lose much more.
Please ask your legislators to stop ruining Florida.
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