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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Did the Duval County School Board make a bad decision hiring another high priced administrator?

I think they did. With a new super coming to town, hopefully sooner rather than later, why saddle them with one of Pratt-Dannals cronies?

We have many great administrators in our district, it is just to bad that the super and board have put a cloud over them all by allowing who you know rather than ones ability determine promotions over the last few years. This seems to be the case with the new Chief of School, a just created position too.

I don’t know Mrs. Byrd but I know enough to question all of the superintendent’s appointments. I also know enough to ask why this was so important. m also not the only person that feelsthis way.

Please check out the comments for the Times Union article announcing her appointment. They are pretty brutal. Click this blog’s title or cut and paste below to see them.

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