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Monday, June 25, 2012

Jason Fischer, candidate district 7, thinks I should run CSX

If you go to his website, he says: As a businessman and a concerned parent, I believe that I can provide the leadership necessary to transform our schools from failure into success.

First our schools aren’t failures, do they have issues, yes, are many struggling, yes, but failures, not even close and many of the issues our schools are experiencing are because of the policies of his backers, Bush, Thrasher and Wise but more on this in the future.

I am a teacher and have been on a train; maybe I should run CSX, where Mr. Fischer works. Or wait I have been to the doctor, maybe I could start performing surgeries. Instead of running for school board, maybe I should have run to be a judge, why not; I have seen a lot of Law and Order.

Education is the one field that people who have nothing or very little to do with think to themselves, hey I can run that or do that and it is partly because of this mindset we are in trouble.

The truth is we need people like Mr. Fischer to be involved, to donate their time and to give ideas but just like we wouldn’t want me running a hospital we don’t want people like Mr. Fischer running our schools.


  1. Perhaps you can return to school to learn how to read and spell. His name is spelled Fischer.

    Poor teachers, yet another reason our schools are failing. Let me guess, Fischer is not part of the FCAT, so you don't know about it.

  2. Why did you delete my post?

  3. And correct the glaring error I brought to your attention?

  4. I didn't delete your posts, they went right to spam, which is where I think they belong but since it is important to you. I hardly think omitting a C from Fischer diminishes my point or warrants your original comment but let me ask you this; when Mr. Fischer wrote disciple rather than discipline on his campaign page and left it up for over a week, did you send him a similar e-mail...

    A glaring error would be to elect Mr. Fischer...

    1. I would be glad to correct him as well. While your error does not diminish your point, it certainly speaks to your (and Mr. Fischer's) lack of detail. A trait I would want in any elected official.

  5. ... because of the qualifications he mentions...

  6. What does Fischer know about public schools. He sends his kids to private schools. Perhaps he should sub one day at Jackson or Raines. Does Fischer own stock in Education Corporations or for profit charter schools? Any non professional knows everything about teaching since they were students once. I went to a doctor, does that mean I can second guess his diagnosis and prescribe my own meds? Once again, non professionals controling a profession.
    By the way, was that post from Thrasher, Wise, Fischer's administrative assistant or one of the ed deformers sychophants. OH the Schools are doing so much better now that FCAT is here. We punish educators and students instead of addressing the real issues in education like poverty. Try doing this to the legal profession or medicine and see how many of these professionals stand for it. Hey anonymous, if you are so smart, tell me how many calculus and real science classes did you take and pass in college. Most scientists i.e. the real intelligent people, agree that these reforms and policies from the district to the national level are damaging the profession as well as the students who are captives of a political agenda. Notice how I said real intelligent people, not the Univ of internet or some jerk water christian academy of lower Alabama.
    The empty drum sounds the loudest when struck.

    1. I am not "Thrasher, Wise, Fischer's administrative assistant or one of the ed deformers sychophants" (nice grammatical and spelling errors (again!) Genius). Since you asked, I hold a Master's Degree and have taken “numerous calculus and real science classes" in college and passed them as well. Further, my degree was not obtained from "the Univ of internet or some jerk water christian academy of lower Alabama".

  7. Here is an idea. Instead of coming here and cracking on my little old blog, you put yourself out there and try and make education better.
