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Friday, June 29, 2012

Duval County needs to bring back magnet school transportation.

Think back friends. The district pled poverty firing people and cutting programs like magnet school transportation while sitting on over a hundred million dollars. Well now that it turns out they have the money it is time to bring some of the programs back like magnet school transportation or at the very least for the district’s middle school students.

I met the parent of an eleven year old last night and she told me about the trials and tribulations she has had getting her son to school, she then pause and told me about families that had it worse. Do we really want kids that young getting up hours early hanging out in bad neighborhoods waiting for their schools to begin?

Instead of creating more administrative positions, which seems to have been the main thing the board did with the “found” money, it is time the district reinvested in making sure our children are taken care of.

More on this to come.

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