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Saturday, June 23, 2012

The superintendent can't justify his administrative picks

From the Times Union:

Wright asked Pratt-Dannals during a workshop this week why Young hadn’t been promoted to an executive director position and Pratt-Dannals told board members he didn’t want to “get into a lot of specifics” but that he looked for the best fits to move the district forward.

This is what he said when justifying his administrative picks. I can understand why he wouldn’t want to get into specifics because they would include the people he elevated were his cronies and sycophants and only loyal to him and his style of cajole the teacher, numbers not results matter.

We have quality administrators and I am sure some of his picks are hard working earnest individuals too. The problem is the superintendent over he last few years has made so many picks based on affiliation not ability it makes them all suspect and Tommy Hazouri as much as said so Thursday at the school board meeting.

The super letting Young walk is prime example number one.


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