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Sunday, June 17, 2012

Education News you didn’t get if you just read the Times Union on-line

Earlier this week the state school board association at a conference partly and ironically funded by Pearson Testing joined the national movement against standardized tests and called for the state to drastically reduce its reliance on the FCAT when grading districts, schools and teachers. Up to this point 9 state school boards and the Florida Parent Teacher association as well as several local teacher's unions had already done so.

Ed Commissioner Gerard Robinson in turn blasted the school board association saying, they were entitled to their opinion but at the end of the day they had to do what the state told them to do, which effectively ended local control of education for all but the most basic of items.

I wonder why the Times Union didn’t think this was a big enough story to report on?

I also wonder how the Duval delegation voted?

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