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Wednesday, September 4, 2013

A typical Tuesday in Florida Education

A typical Tuesday in Florida Education

Why would anybody think Florida’s education system is messed up? Sheesh!

Florida has been the butt of too many Daily Show and Saturday Night live jokes to count. Here is some more meat for the grinder.

From Politifact: In a split vote, the Board of Education decided to soften school grades. The Southern Poverty Law Center filed a complaint challenging the state’s race-based education goals. Sen. Marco Rubio came out against federal Common Core standards -- putting him at odds with the state’s other potential Republican presidential contender, Jeb Bush. And Bush bashed conservative pundits’ claims about Common Core.

Meanwhile, Education Commissioner Tony Bennett resigned following allegations that he took steps to prevent a charter school led by a prominent Republican donor from getting a "C" in Indiana, where he formerly held a similar job. Bennett’s resignation led to renewed arguing about Florida’s school grading system.

Add in Rick Scott calling for an education summit he didn’t attend, preferring to later meet with Jeb Bush, John “he who has the gold makes the rules” Thrasher, and state board of ed chair Gary Chartrand who was just coming off some controversial remarks about Florida’s values and homosexuality upsetting people at the summit, and that’s what we call any old Tuesday.

I am closing my eyes now.


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