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Friday, September 13, 2013

The stunning hypocrisy of Duval’s Teacher Academy or how to really stick it to librarians

It’s a good week for hypocrisy.

I received the following voice message from the district:

If for some reason the link doesn’t work for you it was a message from the district inviting parents to the downtown library on Saturday for a tour where they would be taught how to use libraries academic services.

Oy Vey and this just days after Jacksonville announced that they were closing the downtown library on Saturdays to save money

and the district has purged its librarian core, 28 fewer and most high school and middle schools going without.

Stick knife in the back of librarians and pay lip service to how important they are, check.


1 comment:

  1. Yes, I thought of that too when I read about the school district inviting parents to meet at the downtown library to learn about how important libraries are or can be to student success! And, then, the article about closing that library on Saturdays - WOW!
