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Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Rick Scott was for the PARCC before he was against it.

From the Buzz: On Monday, Gov. Rick Scott called on state education leaders to drop out of a nationwide testing system being crafted to meet new Common Core standards.

But last year, Scott celebrated the fact that the tests -- the Partnership for Assessment of
In an Aug. 20, 2012, press release Scott announced his support for the Common Core standards and the idea that the PARCC tests would begin in the state starting in 2014. The tests will measure whether students are meeting the new education standards.

"The goal of this new testing system is to eliminate 'teaching to the test' and instead will accurately measure whether our students are learning the skills they need to succeed in college and their careers," Scott said in a statement.

Why the Flip Flop, well friends it so we can stay in Common Core but he can also say,  hey I am listening to you (accept for that whole get out of Common Core thing) because he figures most of us won't be able to tell the difference. Another politician attempting to have his cake and eat it too, who is also banking on us not paying attention.


  1. Not that I'm supporting the flip-flopping, or the fact that students are having the expectations and requirements changed on them with little warning ...

    But, as a middle school math professional, I have followed the PARCC through the release of prototype items, and I am disappointed that they have changed from asking students to write and explain their reasoning so we really know if they understand to pretty much only multiple choice.

    If all PARCC is going to offer is a multiple choice test, well, then we don't need it. I am working on a post to explain my really radical idea about assessment--the person best able to determine what a student knows and can do is that student's classroom teacher.

    Radical! To suggest that we might try trusting the teacher when it comes to assessing student knowledge and abilities.

  2. BUT we are and we must not let him get away with this. If we are teaching to the Common Core then we should use the same test so that we have a valid comparison with other states. As a teacher in Florida I would rather use the same test than our own Florida test. I want the same measurements across the board.
