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Monday, September 23, 2013

Rick Scott places Teach for America alumni on the state board of education.

Sorry I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.

Oh where was I, oh yeah, Rick Scott appoints 32 year old TFA alumnus Rebecca Fishman Lipsey to the state board of education. Sorry I think I need to throw up again.

First there wasn’t one teacher in the whole state qualified? How about a native of Florida or somebody who has been here longer than 5 years as Mrs. Fishman Lipsey arrived, to work for TFA, in Miami Dade from New York, just in 2008.

“With an exceptional career in education, Rebecca is committed to student success and accountability, and it is clear she will be a tremendous advocate for all Florida students," Scott wrote in a statement.

Um career? She spent two years in a classroom and what 7 or 8 years tops in education, though I hesitate to use Teach for America and education in the same sentence? Heck in some districts that lack of experience would have put her on the surplus list.

Here is a resume I found for her on-line: Rebecca Fishman Lipsey, Teach for America
Rebecca Fishman Lipsey, 30, is the Executive Director of Teach for America in Miami-Dade. During her three-year tenure in that role she has tripled the size of the local program and increased fundraising 11-times over. Rebecca is a musical composer, and she wrote the theme and background music for a documentary on eating disorders in 2008. Last year, Rebecca won the International Stevie Award for Women in Business, in the category of "best executive." - See more at:

Florida is this really the best we have to offer?

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