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Thursday, August 6, 2015

Another example of Vitti ignoring data he doesn't like.

I wrote just the other day how Vitti dismisses data that is inconvenient. Here is another example from the Times Union when talking about the district suspending Kindergartners. 

Duval schools suspended kindergarten students a total of 962 times last year. That was 8 percent more than the year before and 28 percent higher than five years ago.

Suspensions have fallen in nearly every grade level in Duval in recent years, but not in kindergarten.
District leaders say that’s not as big a problem as the raw numbers make it appear. 
Yeah it's not as big as a problem as the data appears, well the inverse is quite often here in Duval County as well. The successes they try and sell often don't ring true.
I just want us to do things the right way, and that's not to run from our problems or to try and sell massaged data as a positive. The district repeatedly asks me not to believe my lying eyes.

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