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Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Nassau and St. Johns enrollment up

From Action News: Students who they believe are sneaking into Yulee High School.
Nassau County Schools said the projected enrollment for the school year was 1,200 students; however, about 1,300 students enrolled.

Specifically they are looking at First Coast high school students who may be fleeing the school under the leadership of Al Brennan.
Then in St. Johns County their enrollment is up nearly five percent.
From News4Jax: This year, student enrollment is expected to grow by about 1,500 students and, according to the St. Johns County Schools Superintendent Joe Joyner, there aren't enough schools and permanent classrooms for all of those children.
I have to think a significant amount of those children have parents who work in Duval but moved their for the schools.
Already one in four students who could attend a Duval county school don't, how long until that is one in three. I think it boils down to leadership and thus far ours has been poor.


  1. Truth be told people are fleeing Duval County schools as much becuase of the poor leadership but also because of the wild uncorrected behavior of so many of the students. The poor leadership and the wild uncorrected behavior of the students go hand in hand and are of a piece. I taught for DCPS and there was NO WAY I was going to send my daughter to a dangerous violent place like Wolfson High School. In many of the schools in Duval County absolutely no education goes on because they are high jacked by cabals or groups of badly behaved children creating a physical risk to the other children and certainly a learning risk by denying an orderly classroom to learn in. The teacher invariably spends most of their time dealing with these badly behaved, uncorrected wild children that threaten the teachers verbally and the other students physically. Until DCPS Administration gets a clue and develops a real world response to the wild children/students people will continue to flee the DCPS system.. I worked for them for 37 years and I did. Best decision I ever made concerning my child's education.

  2. I have taught in Duval for 27 years. After attending Teacher Academy in July, I felt very disheartened about the new curriculum. I actually encouraged a parent to take the seat offered to her for her Kindergarten at Duval Charter/ Skinner Parkway. We were standing near the school supplies in Dollar Tree so I filled her in on such things as "Happy Counting".

  3. And what is the race of those students that are fleeing Duval County Schools? This is so reminiscent of the white flight that occurred within DCPS back in the days of desegregation, only then it was parents moving their kids to private schools, not other school districts!

  4. I taught at First Coast last year and several students showed me waivers Dr. Brennan had signed for them to enroll in Yulee High School.

  5. I went to Focus training this summer and the instructor, who teaches in Duval, sends her kid to private school. I know a lot of Duval teachers who send their kids to private school. Even DTU reps send their kids to other counties. BTW, so does mine. If you work in Duval, you're in a unique position to know not to send your kids to a Duval school.

  6. The grasp program has been moved to Justina elementary. How scary is this for children that are already struggling to be sent into one of the most dangerous areas in Duval. As a parent I will be afraid myself to go there. Thanks Vitti. Why does this program have to be in a high crime area where the children are not safe inside or out of the school and the parents participation may suffer due to the dangers of being in the area?
