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Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Scott Shine's charter school credibility problem.

From WJCT: After years of watching state dollars go toward improving charter schools, the Duval County School Board is scrambling to shield local tax revenues from being drained as well.
School Board member Scott Shine says there’s reason to worry.
“Right now, charter schools don’t share any of the ad valorem taxes,” Shine said. “However, there are discussions in Tallahassee that that may start in the future.”
Right now Shine may have seen the light and thinks giving more public money to charter schools is a bad idea, the problem however comes from the fact that Shine took a lot of money form charter school operators and their supporters and last summer even went so far as to say we needed more of them. Who are we suppose to believe? The Shine from last summer or the one from now. 
293 have failed state wide including a dozen in Jacksonville and most of the one s doing well in Jacksonville are in neighborhoods with great schools. Shine shouldn't be looking at a way to stop more public money from going to them and instead he should be looking to eliminate most of the ones we have.

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