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Friday, August 7, 2015

Trey Csar’s cavalier attitude towards charter schools

Well at least action news didn't call him an expert.

From Action News: "Charters are all over the map. There are some great ones and some really terrible charters,” said Trey Csar, with the nonprofit Jacksonville Public Education Fund. "It's buyer beware, and so it's incumbent on parents to learn not only about the academic performance, but about the individuals running the school."

And if parents don't have the time, energy, expertise or knowledge and to be honest why should they or are tricked by charlatans and con-me f%$# em.

293 Floirda charter schools have failed and many of the success stories have set up in neighborhoods that already had great schools siphoning away resources hurting them, but hey just do the research, Csar says.

I guess we should expect it because JPEF is here to privatize our schools not help them and I know because he just shrugged his shoulders at a system that allows terrible schools to open. 

I just threw up in my moth a little

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