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Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Gary Chartrand and his crony capitalism

State board of education member Gary Chartrand, who has close ties to charter schools wants the state of Florida to spend seventy million dollars on charter school maintenance and another seventy million dollars on public school maintenance costs.  Sadly this is better than in some years past when charters got a hundred million and public schools didn’t get anything.

There are a little over six hundred charter schools hand a little over 3,200 public schools in Florida. It hardly seems fair to allocate the same amount of money for both groups of schools but it goes even worse. Many charter schools are managed by for profit companies and business has been very good. Why should we send more money to them, money that will either go to help their bottom line or fix buildings that don’t belong to the public?  

For profit management companies that operate charter schools should not see one penny more than the per pupil allotment. I thought republicans were supposed to be against crony-capitalism.

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