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Monday, August 24, 2015

In Duval County, what does "nearly every" mean?

From the Times Union: More than 117,000 Duval public school students started the new school year smoothly Monday, officials said, without major hiccups, confusion or fights.

No major bus delays were reported and nearly every school got the books and materials they needed to start the year, said Duval Superintendent Nikolai Vitti, while touring three schools.
It was the first day and there are bound to be hiccups, I think people would be forgiving but I have to say if I was a reporter and the superintendent said nearly every school got their books and materials, I would ask, well what schools didn't? A pretty fair follow up if you ask me.
Two things the district has taken on a massive and labor intensive project when they went away from books and decided they would provide materials to thousands of classrooms and this has been an area they haven't been all that good in. I hope I am wrong but this has the potential to be a disaster.
Next I have a hard time believing anything the district says and I know that sounds terrible and I wish it wasn't that way but I do. They ignore the stuff they don't like and over hype everything that they do. 
It's the new year and I like the new lunch program and I think Vitti is right about no more certificate of completion students walking too but at the same time, when I hear "nearly every" from him, it raises red flags. 
I would hate to be the parent of a child at one of those schools or classes that didn't make the "nearly every" cut.

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