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Thursday, August 6, 2015

The editorial board of the Times Union terrible or really terrible?

Oy vey

From the Jacksonville Public Education Funds Facebook page: 

Today members of the Teacher Roundtable Steering Committee visited with the Editorial Board at The Florida Times-Union to talk about their work to elevate the voices of public school educators in Duval County! Check out their recent op-ed

So let me see if I got this straight the Times Union's editorial board which is on the wrong side of most education issues met with some hand picked teachers that the agenda driven JPEF provided. 

What could go wrong?

If they are serious and want to elevate the voice of teachers they should talk to Denise Amos Smith about how teachers throughout the district are afraid to speak up and do a piece about that where they challenge he district to value, support and listen to its teachers.

They should do a piece about how resignations are way up under Vitti and about all the negative things he says about teachers and insist he work to repair his relation ship with them.

Just getting the company line is not going to do anybody any good.

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